Hacksaw Ridge: Intense Podcast Discussion of Its Worldview


This is one of my favorite podcast interviews I’ve done.

The guys at A Clear Lens talked with me about the movie Hacksaw Ridge.

We discussed everything: The themes, Christian faith, persecution, worldview, politics and acting and casting!

You will love this one. It’s deep.

Click here to listen.

I may start a podcast about movies with a friend of mine, Mark Tapson. What do you think?

Free Book: When Giants Were Upon the Earth – Watchers, Nephilim and Biblical War of the Seed

For a Limited Time Only!

This is the Biblical and historical research behind the Best-selling series, Chronicles of the Nephilim.

“As someone Brian has tapped as a resource, I can tell you his focus is on peer-reviewed biblical scholarship. His sources are not his own opinions.”
Dr. Michael S. Heiser
PhD, Hebrew Bible and Semitic Studies
Academic Editor, Logos Bible Software

Click here to get your free book

EVP – Electronic Voice Phenomena
Be There Ghosts?


Electronic Voice Phenomena

Hosted by Dr. Mike Heiser, author of the game-changer in supernatural theology, The Unseen Realm. This episode features co-hosts Brian Godawa (hey, that’s me!), Natalina (Beyond Extraordinary podcast), Trey (Naked Bible podcast), Doug Overseer (Seers See Ministries), and Pastor Doug Van Dorn (author, Giants: Sons of the Gods).

We talk about respectable peer-reviewed analysis of this phenomena that is one of the more sensational elements of paranormal shows like Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventurers, and Ghost Worshippers (Okay, just kidding on that last one). But we do deal a bit with the Biblical prohibition of talking to the dead, which is what this phenomenon is actually a modern day version of.

But are the claims of EVP real, artificial or something else?

Check out the podcast here.



Seminar: How to Adapt Your Screenplays into Self-Published Novels

Live Seminar in Los Angeles

Click here to find out all the information and to register.

Thanks to the Greenhouse Arts & Media hosting this upcoming seminar of mine on adapting your screenplays into self-published novels.

I share everything you need to know to tackle this new world of self-publishing, as well as lessons I’ve learned along the way as I adapted and published my own screenplays. I address a number of topics, including adaptation of screenplays into novels, production, publishing, distribution and marketing of self-published novels adapted from screenplays.

But even normal writers will find this presentation immensely helpful in navigating the labyrinth of self-publishing with their novel ideas.

By the end of this class, you’ll know how to:

  • Self publish & sell your amazing story;
  • Turn your screenplays into novels so people can begin to read your story;
  • Learn how to distribute and market your story
The Details

The Date: Saturday, July 23, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (PDT)
Location: CBS Studio Center – 4024 Radford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 91604
Cost: Only $35

Click here to find out all the information and to register.



Off the Grid Radio: Interview about Tower of Babel, Ancient China Connection

Off Grid News Logo


shutterstock_253490827I had a great interview with Off the Grid Radio about my latest novel, written with Charlie Wen of Marvel Studios fame.

I explain:

  • How biblical and historical fiction can actually assist in our knowledge of Scripture and other true events.
  • Why he chose to write about China – and how his novel can help us better understand our modern-day world.
  • How his newest series continues the paradigm of his first popular series, the Chronicles of the Nephilim.

Check out the interview here.

You can see the novel at Amazon here.

See the cast of characters and Charlie Wen’s artwork on the Dragon King website here.



Last Days in the Desert: Boring Arthouse Existentialist Satan Jesus

Ewan McGregor as Jesus

A fictional drama of Jesus during his 40-day fast in the desert. He meets a family with one male son and a sick dying wife, and makes a wager with the devil to try to help them through their family problems. Starring Ewan McGregor as Jesus and Ewan McGregor as Satan.

In my book Hollywood Worldviews I write about how the depictions of Jesus in movies throughout the decades often reflect the zeitgeist of the era. I wrote: “A survey of the portrayal of Jesus in the movies yields an interesting mixture of both historical and mythical, human and divine, sinner and saint. In fact, one might say that the history of Jesus in the movies is precisely a history of the theological struggle between Christ’s identity as God and his identity as man.”

A Jesus by any other name

In HW, I called the Jesuses of the movies by their social constructs as depicted in the films:

The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965): Leonardo-DaVinci’s-humanistic-Renaissance Jesus.
King of Kings (1961): Youthful-blue-eyed-Aryan-WASP-moviestar Jesus.
Jesus of Nazareth (1977): Hypnotic-eyed-possibly-drug-addict-Jesus-who-never-blinks.
Jesus Christ Superstar (1972): 70s-nonviolent-peace-demonstrator scapegoat-for-the-military-industrial-complex Rock n Roll Messiah.
The Last Temptation of Christ (1982): Confused-epileptic-temper-tantrum-sinner Jesus.
The Gospel of Matthew (1995): Smiley-faced-California-surfer-dude Jesus.
Jesus: The Epic Miniseries (2000): Politically-correct-lovey-dovey-pacifist-television Jesus.
Judas (TV 2004): Dr.-Phil-Scooby-Doo-Shaggy-Malibu Jesus.

Look, I realize how impossible it is to portray the God-man in any way that everyone will approve of. That ain’t gonna happen. (It would take a – a miracle! And then most people wouldn’t believe it anyway)

My definition of the Jesus of The Last Days in the Desert as being a “Boring-Arthouse-Existentialist Jesus” is certainly no disappointment with the very weighty performance of McGregor (The Satan part is addressed later). His acting was profound and very human. He really brought it with this portrayal of Jesus being tempted by the lust, the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life without being a sinner. Fair enough. A Jesus who, like many holy men, fasts in order to draw close to the God he feels out of touch with. A Jesus who wrestles with existentialist issues of presence and purpose, most akin to the Gethsemane scene of the dual natures in conflict.

Or is it?

The director, Rodrigo Garcia, who claims to not be a Christian, said that he could only understand Jesus’ human side. He questioned how could one portray the divine side anyway? Again, fair enough. At least he didn’t try to subvert Jesus into his opposite like the most recent abominable Noah and Exodus movies do with God and their human heroes.

Or did he? Continue reading